Andien X Pyopp - Pyopp Barefoot

Andien X Pyopp

Posted by Jacqualine Elena on

English ver.

#AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes is Pyopp's first collaboration project, with someone I admire, Andien Aisyah. About 1 year ago, by accident, I read a post from @andienaisyah about the benefits of barefoot on children. After I followed Ms. Andien's post, I saw that she really did what she posted, Kawa could be said to always be seen without shoes. Since then, I feel that there is a common perspective between Pyopp and Ms. Andien, who believe that going barefoot is the best thing for children.

I then came to one of Ms. Andien's events & said what I was thinking. Even though she was friendly, because at that time Kawa had not yet walked, Ms. Andien did not immediately put on the barefoot shoes that we sent. Until the time came, Kawa really was going quite smoothly, then I saw Ms. Andien put Pyopp on Kawa. It's really nice… especially since we were finally able to work together to make this video.

As a small brand, I am really grateful that Ms. Andien is willing to collaborate with a start-up like Pyopp. This collaboration was possible because Ms. Andien said that Ms. Andien's goal was not material but to spread the goodness of barefoot to many people.

And now, we present #AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes, hopefully this sincerity can bring goodness to the health of our children's feet & add insight into the importance of barefoot for every parent throughout Indonesia. And I hope you all like this shoe collection (like us & Ms. Andien & Mas Ippe @cyclonesia, and Kawa!) ❤

#AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes Vol. 01: Bora Barefoot Sandal Shoes

Welcome to the first Andien X Pyopp Barefoot Sandals Shoes collections: BORA! The meaning of the name Bora in Sanskrit is Brave

Bora is inspired by people who have the courage to achieve their dreams. This is what @andienaisyah is praying for his son, Kawa, (and of course our mothers too! 😊). We sincerely hope that these barefoot sandal shoes can accompany Mamas' sons and daughters to always have the courage to explore a new world for them every day.

Designed according to the principles of our other barefoot shoes: Equipped with a thin rubber sole, Insole made of genuine vegetable leather, Upper part made of 100% genuine leather, Wide toe box, zero drop heel (sole). the shoe is flat from front to back), and a flexible overall design to support natural foot development, Designed with more holes for sweaty little feet, the Bora is also our first sandal collection! Equipped with 4 handmade tassels, equipped with elastic at the opening to make it easier to put on and take off shoes.

#AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes Vol. 02: Chiru Barefoot Shoes

Meet #AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes vol. 02: CHIRU, a name originated from Indian that means freedom ❤

When we become parent, it is a natural instinct to have fear over our children that they might get hurt. But researchers are discovering that kids need more than supervised exercise: they need freedom. Kids need to experience the world firsthand in order to learn and grow, to prepare them for life.

My own mother has always been protecting me since I was young (and even until now!). Yet when becoming a mother, I want to raise my kids differently. I don’t want them to grow up always looking over their shoulders in fear. I wanted them to know that most people are trustworthy and that I believe in them to reach their own stars, liberating them to be whatever she chooses and find their own happiness 💕

Chiru(s) are made with the same principle of how barefoot shoes are made: to give freedom both for the movement and for the development of the natural healthy little feet, available in 5 colors: Ivory, Choco, Nude, Ash, and Turquoise, available in size 1-6 

Because, How good it would be if we could all manage more wonder about the world and less fear - Maile Meloy

#AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes Vol. 03: Chala Barefoot Shoes

Finally our third collaboration with mbak @AndienAisyah is complete! 😊 Honestly, this shoe has taken the longest to develop, starting from the model, the fitting, to the leather material! The model itself is inspired by the classic moccasins boots that Ms. Andien met when traveling to Europe last year (yes, the development process started last year hehe!)

The design process was changed many times, because the knitting was originally on the base, but was worried that it would come off if it rubbed against the ground. Re-develop again followed by a trial process until it is comfortable on the feet and easy to put on & take off. The leather material was specially made for 3 months because its characteristics were slightly different from our other leathers (this time the factory was a little confused because of the continuous trial).

Soo.. Proudly presents to you, dear Pyopple : Chala Knitted Boots, #AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes vol. 03 which means: Earth. The name earth represents a variety of emotions: it is calm and soothing, and strong and steadfast at the same time. 

Like barefoot shoes that allow Mother Earth to nurture and guide their little feet to grow healthy and naturally, these Chala Knitted Boots are designed following the liberating principle of #barefootshoes: allowing Mother Earth to "train" and strengthen little feet (along with spirit and soul)

Honestly, because the production level is very complicated, and actually we have to admit we haven't been able to catch up, this first launch is only available as many as 65 pairs and all of them have been sold out in 2 weeks. Therefore, Chcala is currently sold out for some time to come.

Indonesian Ver.

#AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes ini merupakan project kolaborasi pertama Pyopp, dengan seseorang yang telah saya kagumi, mbak Andien Aisyah. Sekitar 1 tahun yang lalu, secara tidak sengaja, saya membaca post dari mbak @andienaisyah mengenai manfaat barefoot pada anak. Setelah saya mengikuti post mbak Andien, saya pun melihat bahwa ia sungguh melakukan apa yang dia post, Kawa boleh dibilang selalu terlihat tanpa sepatu. Sejak saat itu, saya merasa ada kesamaan perspektif antara Pyopp dan mbak Andien, yang percaya bahwa bertelanjang kaki adalah hal terbaik untuk anak.

Saya kemudian datang ke salah satu acara mbak Andien & mengutarakan apa yang saya pikirkan. Meskipun menyambut ramah, karena waktu itu Kawa belum berjalan, mbak Andien tidak langsung memakaikan Kawa barefoot shoes yang kami kirimkan. Sampai tibalah saatnya, Kawa betul-betul sudah berjalan cukup lancar, baru saya lihat mbak Andien memakaikan Pyopp ke Kawa. Senang sekali rasanya… terutama karena akhirnya kami pun dapat bekerja sama membuat video ini.

Sebagai brand kecil, sungguh saya bersyukur mbak Andien mau berkolaborasi dengan start-up seperti Pyopp. Kolaborasi ini dapat terjadi karena mbak Andien berkata bahwa tujuan mbak Andien bukanlah materi melainkan menyebarkan kebaikan barefoot kepada orang banyak.

Dengan ini, Mamas, kami persembahkan #AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes, semoga ketulusan ini dapat membawa kebaikan untuk kesehatan kaki anak-anak kita & menambah wawasan tentang pentingnya barefoot bagi setiap orang tua di seluruh Indonesia. Dan semoga Mamas sekalian suka sama koleksi sepatu ini (seperti kami & mbak Andien & mas Ippe @cyclonesia, dan Kawa!) ❤

#AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes Vol. 01: Bora Barefoot Sandal Shoes

Welcome to the first Andien X Pyopp Barefoot Sandals Shoes collections: BORA! Arti nama Bora dari bahasa Sansekerta adalah Berani ✨

Bora terinspirasi dari orang-orang yang memiliki keberanian untuk mencapai mimpi. Ini adalah hal yang @andienaisyah doakan untuk putranya, Kawa, (dan pastinya juga doa kita para ibu! 😊). Kami sungguh berharap barefoot sandal shoes ini dapat menemani putra dan putri Mamas untuk selalu memiliki keberanian dalam menjelajah dunia yang baru bagi mereka setiap harinya.

Di-design sama seperti prinsip barefoot shoes kami yang lain: Dilengkapi dengan sol karet tipis, Insole yang terbuat dari kulit nabati asli, Bagian atas sepatu terbuat dari 100% kulit asli, Bagian depan (toe box) yang lebar, zero drop heel (sol sepatunya rata dari depan ke belakang), dan design keseluruhan yang fleksibel untuk mendukung perkembangan kaki yang natural, Di-design dengan lebih banyak lubang untuk kaki kecil yang banyak keringat, Bora juga merupakan koleksi sepatu sandal pertama kami! Dilengkapi dengan 4 buah handmade tassel, Dilengkapi dengan elastic pada bagian bukaan untuk memudahkan memakai dan melepas sepatu.

#AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes Vol. 02: Chiru Barefoot Shoes

Meet #AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes vol. 02: CHIRU, a name originated from Indian that means freedom ❤

When we become parent, it is a natural instinct to have fear over our children that they might get hurt. But researchers are discovering that kids need more than supervised exercise: they need freedom. Kids need to experience the world firsthand in order to learn and grow, to prepare them for life.

My own mother has always been protecting me since I was young (and even until now!). Yet when becoming a mother, I want to raise my kids differently. I don’t want them to grow up always looking over their shoulders in fear. I wanted them to know that most people are trustworthy and that I believe in them to reach their own stars, liberating them to be whatever she chooses and find their own happiness 💕

Chiru(s) are made with the same principle of how barefoot shoes are made: to give freedom both for the movement and for the development of the natural healthy little feet, available in 5 colors: Ivory, Choco, Nude, Ash, and Turquoise, available in size 1-6 

Because, How good it would be if we could all manage more wonder about the world and less fear - Maile Meloy

#AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes Vol. 03: Chala Barefoot Shoes

Akhirnya kolaborasi ketiga kami dengan mbak @AndienAisyah rampung! 😊 Jujur sepatu ini yang paling lama development nya mulai dari modelnya, fitting nya, hingga bahan kulitnya! Modelnya sendiri terinspirasi dari boots moccasins klasik yang mbak Andien temui ketika traveling ke Eropa tahun lalu (iya, proses develop nya sudah dari tahun lalu hehe!)

Proses design ini pun berkali-kali diubah, karena rajutannya tadinya ada di alas, tapi khawatir akan bisa lepas jika tergesek dengan tanah. Re-develop lagi disambung dengan proses trial sampai nyaman di kaki dan mudah dipakai & dilepas. Bahan kulitnya pun khusus dibuat selama 3 bulan karena sedikit beda karakteristiknya dengan kulit kami yang lain (kali ini pabriknya yg sedikit kelimpungan karena trial terus ).

Soo.. Proudly presents to you, dear Mommas, : Chala Knitted Boots, #AndienXPyoppBarefootShoes vol. 03 yang artinya: Bumi. Nama bumi ini mewakili berbagai emosi: bumi itu tenang dan menenangkan, sekaligus kuat dan teguh di waktu yang sama 

Seperti barefoot shoes yang memungkinkan kaki si kecil untuk dipelihara dan dibimbing oleh Ibu Bumi untuk tumbuh sehat dan natural, Chala Knitted Boots ini di-design mengikuti prinsip #barefootshoes yang membebaskan: membiarkan Ibu Bumi untuk “melatih” dan menguatkan kaki-kaki kecil (beserta semangat dan jiwanya) 

Jujur karena tingkat produksinya sangat rumit, dan sebetulnya harus diakui kami belum bisa catch up, launch pertama ini hanya tersedia sebanyak 65 pasang dan sudah habis semuanya dalam waktu 2 minggu. Oleh karena itu, Chcala sementara ini sold out sampai beberapa waktu ke depan.

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Collaboration Journal

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